
Content analysis of statistical data for the Russian Federation and the Belgorod region showed a trend of increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Currently, according to the State Register of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and the Federal State Statistics Service, as of January 1, 2022, more than 4.5 million patients were registered in Russia, which is slightly more than 3.1% of the country's population. In the Belgorod region on 01.01.2021, the number of patients with type 2 diabetes was 57,634 people or 3.74% of the population of the region. The increase in the dynamics of the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, its complications, disability and mortality determine the expediency of studying the range of lipid-lowering drugs to improve medical and pharmaceutical care for diabetic patients. The purpose of the study was a marketing analysis of the pharmaceutical market of medicines for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Information and reference literature on the range of medicines registered and approved for use in the Russian Federation, Internet resources, supplier offers, scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists were used as objects of research. The study and analysis of the assortment were carried out using a wide range of methods and approaches to research, including generalization and data mining, general scientific analysis tools, statistical methods. In the course of the study of the range of lipid-lowering drugs in the domestic and local markets, the multidimensional characteristics of these segments were obtained. Based on the maximum indicators of the assortment, macro- and mesocontures of target segments of the markets of medicines for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus have been developed: domestic and Belgorod markets of drugs for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus The types are represented by: mostly subgroup A10BA - "Biguanides", according to the active substance "Metformin". In terms of composition, drugs with one active ingredient in solid dosage form in the form of tablets are leading. The coefficient of assortment renewal in the Russian pharmaceutical market was 0.75, in Belgorod – 0.51. In general, the study showed that the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation has a significant resource for pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus, which provides an opportunity for interaction between pharmaceutical specialists and healthcare professionals to provide pharmaceutical and medical care.

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