
Objective: Research of employees working conditions employed on construction work in underground structures. Methods: Theoretical analysis of existing conceptual approaches for the study of working conditions, multivariate statistical treatment. Results: The construction of underground facilities and work in it are accompanied by high levels of injury, as well as general and professional diseases. This article presents the results of harmful factors research and the hygienic assessment of working conditions of employees engaged in construction work in underground facilities on the following factors: hypogeomagnetic field, aeroionic composition of the air environment, fine dust, biological factor. To assess the differential impact on the workers’ health of totality considered hazards in the workplace conducted by the integrated (total) assessment of the harmfulness of working conditions in 3 phases: 1) hygienic estimation of working conditions on the basis of special assessment of working conditions; 2) determination of the total harm in the workplace; 3) the definition of the integral evaluation of working conditions at the workplace under the influence of production factors with various hazard classes. It is established that the working conditions at workplaces during the construction and installation works in underground space according to the scale of the integrated assessment are characterized as dangerous that corresponds to the class of labour conditions 3.4 – harmful 4 degrees. Integrated assessment of working conditions is a necessary procedure for the analysis of working conditions of workers in underground structures, complementing the results of special assessment of working conditions, which is able to give an objective assessment of working conditions, taking into account the share of the harm of each existing adverse factors. Practical importance: The procedure of integral evaluation provides an opportunity to assess the differential impact on workers of the entire set considered harmful factors.

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