
The article examines the features of the formation of the domestic Personnel Management System in the modern paradigm of national economy development. It is established that the problem of creating a balanced personnel management system that would simultaneously take into account the features of the functioning of an individual business entity and, at the same time, meet the latest trends and best international practices, to a greater extent lies precisely in the plane of the lack of specific conceptual approaches in this area. It is proved that the essence of this problem lies in the fact that most managers of enterprises still consider personnel costs as an item of expenditure, but should be perceived as an item of long-term investment, the economic effect of which the enterprise will receive gradually in the long term. The article outlines the main functional subsystems that should be contained in the structure of an Integrated Personnel Management System in order to successfully achieve the goals and objectives assigned to it. The necessity of defining and formalized generalization of conceptual approaches that will take into account and reflect as fully and accurately as possible the traditional specific features of the functioning of domestic enterprises in all their totality and diversity is argued. This is due to the complexity or even inexpediency of applying existing models of Personnel Management Systems in their basic unchanged form at domestic enterprises, since failure to take into account these features at best will lead to an imbalance of the management system from the inside, creating significant obstacles to its optimal operation and making it vulnerable to the influence of the external environment, and at worst – to a violation of functional relationships within the system and even to the destruction of its integrity. The main guidelines that must be followed when building a modern HR management system are formalized and described in detail. It is proved that the key to successful development of the enterprise in market conditions is the need to make a transition from the concept of traditional archaic to modern Personnel Management, and the best foreign experience is, in fact, indispensable in the development of new and improvement of existing personnel management systems, which must necessarily take into account the specific features of the functioning of each individual economic entity.

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