
The article is devoted to one of the current problems of the theory of intermediality - the representation of the visual in Russian literature. The study examines ways in which literary studies and other humanities can overcome the well-known narrow view of the verbal sign and its capabilities, describes scientific events devoted to the problems of visualization of literature, as well as the scientific apparatus developed over the past two decades. Among the most significant techniques of visual poetics are ekphrasis and intradiegesis. The most significant aspects of the visual in various artistic practices are explored: the visual picture of the world (M. Heidegger) and subject-object relations in the process of its contemplation/observation, the concepts of vision/sight/eye and glance, which allow us to distinguish between these phenomena and determine their specificity; various modes and figures of vision are considered, such as the observer, the spy. The modality of the visible, relevant for the modern era, can be traced through the extensive material of works of Russian literature, reflected in the works of domestic and foreign literary scholars, as well as Slavists. The emphasis is on spiritual vision and apophatic ekphrasis. It is predicted that there will be a further increase in interest in the problems of the visual, and an expansion of the scope of research due to the emergence of new technologies and ways of seeing.

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