
Subject of the article: distance learning at a technical university. Object of the article: problems of the formation of speech competencies in the implementation of distance learning. The author analyzes the problems of the formation of speech competence and speech competence of students in the process of their professional training at the university. The results of the work contain a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the significance of the formation of a system of practical skills in the learning process, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, students' mastery of the ability to communicate, analyze, reflect, critical thinking, including speech competencies. The area of application of the results of the work is the training of competitive technical specialists in the process of distance learning and the implementation of modern requirements in the educational process of the university. Conclusion: in the modern labor market, the skills and abilities of effective verbal communication are an indispensable quality of competitive technical specialists. In this regard, the formation of professional speech competence is a task that should be solved at the university in the process of teaching the disciplines of the humanities and professional cycles. The prospect for solving this problem is opened up by the formation of significant competencies and professional and personal qualities in students, which will allow them to effectively solve actual problems in their work, to model the trajectory of self-development, self-realization and competitiveness, taking into account the modern requirements of the employer. An effective tool for implementing these mechanisms in the learning process is the development of a set of various theoretical, reference and practical definitions and learning tasks.

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