
The article discusses the development of distance learning as an alternative measure of education. Particular attention is paid to the degree of importance of the teacher’s professional competencies in the framework of distance learning, as a result of which the role of speech and information and communication competence is revealed. Modern education is increasingly faced with a distance learning format. The relevance of this phenomenon, the program for the modernization of Russian education and the focus of modern pedagogy on a competency-based approach dictate the need to highlight the most significant competencies that are fundamental for a teacher for the period of conducting a distance course. In the article, the author reveals the importance of a teacher’s ICT competence for choosing a format for conducting distance learning and creating a comfortable psychological and pedagogical virtual space for a student, and also emphasizes the relationship between speech and ICT competence, calling them the main levers of influence on the productivity of the educational process. When solving educational problems, professional pedagogical skills play a key role. The structure of pedagogical excellence consists of many interrelated elements, among which a significant place is occupied by the professional competencies of the teacher. It is not enough to have one or more competencies to improve the quality of education, so the competencies are closely related. Speech is the most important professional tool of pedagogical activity, both in traditional and distance learning. Speech communication is one of the main means of achieving the pedagogical task, including distance learning, and speech competence provides the teacher with the unconditional achievement of learning goals. Considering as the goal of distance learning the assimilation of a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the formation of a diversified personality of a student, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of its learning. Thanks to ICT competence, the teacher has the opportunity to most successfully build the educational process, and thanks to speech competence, to manage the educational process.

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