
The relevance of the topic under study is associated with interest in the problem of the formation of the Muslim ethno-confessional identity of the Kazakh people through the school system of education. The article is aimed at identifying the goals of the Russian autocracy in limiting the Tatar educational system in the Steppe Territory. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the problem-chronological method, which allowed to identify and consider various aspects of the policy in the field of education of non-Russian peoples of the empire in chronological sequence. The article was written on the basis of documents from the State Archive of the Orenburg Region and published sources. Thus, by the end of the 19th century, missionaries themselves began to realize the futility of their activities. Russian missionaries could not charm the foreigners with their culture. Most Kazakhs gave their children to Muslim schools, and the connection with the Muslim Tatars developed by itself. The materials of the article can be useful for further development of the research topic, as well as during the teaching of special courses at the philological and oriental faculties of universities and the teaching of history in higher and secondary educational institutions of the country.

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