
In terminology, studies of the specifics of the formation and development of individual sectoral terminologies based on their own language resources or borrowings have been noticeably intensified, and the interest of scientists in the issue of clarifying the theoretical foundations of terminology as a whole has increased. This approach contributed to the articulation of language connections with various spheres of human activity, but did not completely exhaust the problem of organizing all terminological systems, their systematization and standardization, forecasting trends of future development. The study made an attempt to understand the complex issues of the theory of the term, the essence of the term as a linguistic unit. The purpose of the work is to analyze the issue of "term" as a linguistic unit. The difference between the term and the nomenclature is theoretically substantiated. A proposal for defining the nomenclature as a linguistic unit has been submitted. On the example of military terminology, professionalisms and their types are considered, definitions of professionalisms, synthetic and analytical terms are given. The study provides an overview of the linguistic works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists who considered the linguistic terminology of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The subject of the study is the structural and lexical-semantic parameters of language units in modern Ukrainian and English military terminology. The following research methods were used: descriptive-analytical, comparative-comparative and quantitative. Definitional analysis and methods of component analysis are used. The work also states that the lexical component of Ukrainian- and English-language scientific texts consists of terms, neologisms, and neonyms. Terms in the vocabulary of the language play a significant role. Professional vocabulary constitutes a significant part of the language fund; therefore, it is natural that linguists attach great importance to the study of the regularities of term formation, their structure and semantics, aspects of location, translation issues; consider terminology as an important component of modern literary language. The results of the research can be used in lexicographic work (compilation of terminological dictionaries), in the educational process (during the development and teaching of special courses on terminology). The generalizations, comments and recommendations presented in the work will be useful for further standardization and improvement of military terminology at the current stage.

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