
Lviv has a unique history and architecture. The landscape of the city gives the primary expressive media formation while compositional factors play an important role in its formation. In the architectural space of modern Lviv there is a heritage of different stylistic periods, and we can identify them with their architectural and artistic look. During the centuries architects made sure that the city was perceived as a complete system and its elements were harmoniously connected with each other. Cultural traditions of different times were constantly combined with local landscapes by various forms, textures, scales, colors to ensure the functionality of the space. The media formation of the city broadcasts its cultural value and makes it possible to look at the past from the present and understand it. The article defines the role of such compositional factors of influence on the media formation of architecture and urban spaces as form, proportions and decorations. The research was conducted on examples of historical architecture of Lviv, architecture of the Soviet period and modern architecture of the city. Social values and mentality of different historical periods are important in creating buildings and structures. Conducted analysis allows to find out architecture in Lviv became unified and commercialized after the Soviet period. This trend is also followed in modern architectural design. Despite this, it is worth remembering that society perception of the beauty and harmony of architectural environment is constantly changing so it is necessary to analyze the media formation of architecture from this point of view.

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