
Architectural and aesthetic factors of influence on the media formation of architecture and urban spaces are decisive for the identification of the environment. The image of the environment directly conveys the essence of its media formation. Architectural and aesthetic factors play an important role in media formation of historic environment and determine its character. They are visual manifestation of the "spirit of place". In the architectural space of modern Lviv we can find the heritage of different stylistic periods and identify them through the architectural and artistic image. The compositional, functional, procedural factors are highlighted and their influence on the media formation of Lviv city is analyzed. The assessment of the interrelationships of the architectural and aesthetic factors of the Lviv environment with its media formation was carried out on the basis of a multidimensional matrix of interrelationships. It has been established that architectural and aesthetic factors have the greatest influence on visual as well as mental media formation. Connections with sound, smell and tactile media formation are weak. It was revealed that nowwadays architectural space of the city is losing its philosophical and informative essence. Aesthetic qualities of modern architecture along with functional, technical and economic indicators in the conditions of globalization acquire a unified and commercial character. Therefore, it is necessary to change the approach to architectural design.

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