
The purpose of the article is to consider the leading approaches to the problem of substantiating the means of professional and personal growth of a teacher in the domestic psychological and pedagogical science of the first quarter of the twentieth century on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis. The material for the study was the scientific and pedagogical works of psychologists and teachers of the named period, their ideas about the teacher's place in society, the need to assist the teacher in his professional development and self-improvement. Among other things, the works of the prominent Russian scientist M.F. Belyaev are analyzed. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the studied historical period is characterized by a special, socially conditioned and in-demand professional community, a research search aimed at the scientific substantiation of key aspects of teacher work, professional self-determination of the teacher and his professional and personal growth, as well as the identification of the main tools that ensure the productivity of this process. The ways of understanding the role of pedagogical expertise as a significant means of teacher self-improvement in the ideological legacy of psychologist and teacher M.F. Belyaev, who laid the methodological foundations of the examination of the teacher's work as a means of his professional and personal growth and justified the need for its humanitarian orientation, are shown. The significance of the ideas expressed by the scientist for modern education and their role in its further progressive development is determined.

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