
Annotation. One of the most important issues in modern education is the preparation of a student for professional mental labor in obtaining knowledge. In order to fully solve this problem, there is a need to actively use project-based learning technologies. This is to involve students in future scientific research by engaging them in mastering the first research activities. As a result of the application of the project method, it develops students who think critically, come up with new ideas, offer rational methods, use, process and select information, communicate well with everyone in different environments, work for the full self-development of their personality from a cultural, spiritual, moral point of view. The project method is a training system that is carried out under the supervision and guidance of a teacher, is based on the student's ability to express creatively, develops his intellectual and creative abilities and inclinations. The main goal of the project is to create the following opportunities for students: to try themselves in different situations in the course of activities organized according to the purpose of the project, willingly, independently, acquiring knowledge that must be mastered from different sources; learn to apply the knowledge gained in solving various practical and cognitive problems (that is, to compare the goal and the conditions for achieving it in the project); develops communication skills in a team, group, language skills, work in harmony, that is, communication skills, research skills are formed; B-develops the skills of systematic thinking, draws up a program of activities for the implementation of the planned project, taking into account the level of its capabilities. The method of project activity is based on the cognitive interest of the student, the ability to independently master the knowledge he needs, the ability to select the information he needs in the information space, the development of critical thinking, the ability and ability to conduct research work. Key words: research work of the student, project method, extracurricular activities, creative work of the student

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