
Digitalization of higher education involves the restructuring of all its components, including the preparation of future teachers. During the shaping of vocational competence in future philology teachers, it is of particular importance to develop digital competence, which becomes a personal value under the conditions of forming professionally significant values. The quality of mastering this competence by aspiring teachers influence the success of their pedagogical activity. The article addresses the experience of developing digital competence in students of the philological faculty of Donetsk State University, basing on the analysis of digital technologies and tools. A system covering three areas of educational activity is presented: formation of students' skills and abilities to work with industry-specific software; mastering innovative technologies based on means of computer systems for their use in teaching; mastering the basics of project activity for the purpose of managing educational projects at school. The characteristics of each area are given. Moreover, there is an indication of the knowledge and skills that Bachelors of Philology gain in the process of learning basic and variable disciplines containing modules related to the digital presentation of the material.

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