
This article is devoted to the analyses of the stories The legend of Muzhavir healer. Muzhavir Hazret and Gabdulla Saidi by L. Yakshibayeva where we consider portrayals of Muslim Saints and emphasise their role in spiritual culture and the life of the people. The religious leader with unique life expands and enriches modern Bashkir prose with new revelations and motives typical of higriographical literature and culture of Ancient and Medieval East. There have been defined the ways to develop the image of «Avliya» which helps the author generalize the characters and amplify them with folklore elements prevailing among people. The prose writer discovers spirituality in heroes, fills them with the magic force of religion, integrally connecting intrinsic components of folk art, literary tradition and modern vision of the world. She neither puts into the forefront the narrative hook of the plot, nor does she tell a story, she rather seeks to learn multifaceted communications of the Sufis and the Universe to share secrets of Islam.

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