
This article touches on the problem of studying the interaction of folklore and literary traditions in the works of authors who came from the people, bearers of oral folk art. In Soviet times, in the literature of the peoples of the USSR, especially in newly written literature, folk singers played a significant role in poetic life. Their works successfully intertwined folklore and literary traditions: a certain synthesis of form and content occurred. In our work, we drew attention to the work of one author, Nikolai Stepanov – Nooroy, a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, folk singer, olonkhosut, participant in the Great Patriotic War. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that until now the period of active creativity of folk singers of Yakutia, as authors, as creators of Soviet folklore, has been little studied. The subject of our research is the works of N. I. Stepanov – Nooroy, his songs and poems on Soviet themes. The work uses comparative, analytical, and analytical methods to reveal the interaction of folklore and literary traditions and the transformation of folk songs into original songs. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that this work studies the fusion of folklore and literary traditions, their interaction in the works of one author, a bearer of the traditional oral culture of the Sakha people. As a result of the study of the author’s poetic works on the Soviet theme, we concluded that in the poems, songs, and toyuks of N. I. Stepanov, the interaction of folklore and literary traditions is clearly observed. From the works of N. I. Stepanov it is clear that the folk singer, firstly, worked to preserve and transmit the traditions of folk art mainly in olonkho and toyuks, and secondly, he became one of the founders of a new type of folklore, a song genre called Soviet folklore. Stepanov’s songs about labor and workers can be considered historical, because they reflect reality and glorify real people. The writer’s poetic works on Soviet themes reflect historical facts and events of the Soviet period. His works have cultural value, and as works reflecting reality, they are a historical and cultural monument.

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