
The article analyses and reveals trends in the formation and development of cluster partnership systems in the national economy, which are determined by the cyclicality of world economic development and the level of development of the country, as well as the pace of technology changes and the nature of changes in production. The development of IT clusters in Ukraine has been analysed in a temporal and spatial continuum, which demonstrates that the pioneers are the Lviv and Kharkiv IT clusters, which even today, in the conditions of war, are leaders in terms of the level of organization and scale of activity. The development trends of technology parks, industrial parks, and business incubators are characterized as the basis for the activation of innovative development of cluster partnership systems in the national economy. The statistics of the number of legal entities by organizational and legal forms for 2020-2022 are provided. The presence of associations, concerns, consortia, cooperatives (including production, service, consumer, agricultural production, agricultural service) as a cluster form of business integration for 2020-2022 is investigated. in all regions of Ukraine. The structuring of the characteristic features and parameters of the organizational and legal forms of management as a basis for building cluster partnership systems, which allows to perform organizational and functional forecasting in economic sectors, to choose the optimal form of cooperation of various degrees of integration depending on the purpose, available potential, spheres of activity, degree of integration, production orientation, the need for organizational autonomy, state regulation of activity in accordance with the specifics of the legal status provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.

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