
Accounting for a company's obligations in settlements with counterparties is an important and complex part of accounting that affects the company's material interests. This area of accounting is mandatory for any company and requires great attention and accuracy to ensure timely settlements. The article concludes that inventorying a company's obligations in settlements with counterparties is an effective tool that can be used in various cases depending on the circumstances and purpose of the operation. Additionally, inventorying is an effective tool for verifying the accuracy of debt accounting with suppliers and determining the actual state of settlements. It can also be a useful tool for reconciling debts with suppliers and reducing potential misunderstandings or conflicts. During inventorying, opportunities for cost optimization and negotiations with suppliers to reduce costs or revise payment terms can be identified. Furthermore, inventorying can be used as a basis for discussing new delivery terms or expanding credit lines with suppliers if the company plans to negotiate. It is also a useful tool for identifying overdue payments and developing strategies to reduce them. Digitizing the internal control of a company's obligations in settlements with counterparties through a digital platform contributes to increasing the efficiency of the procurement process. The proposed methodology aims to create an integrated internal control system that includes the following aspects: ensuring the availability of information channels, system interfaces, their accuracy, timeliness, and security; ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and security of transaction processing within business processes, information channels, and system interfaces; ensuring information security and confidentiality control in accordance with legal requirements and internal standards, etc. The methodology aims to create a comprehensive internal control system that includes ensuring the proper functioning of information channels, system interfaces, transaction processing, information security, and confidentiality control, as well as risk management and ensuring the continuity of organizational activities.

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