
The specifics of modern information and telecommunication networks in transport, as an object of information security control, are investigated. The main trends in the development of information and telecommunication network protection technologies (TNPT) have been identified. The presence of the interrelation of the main integrative properties: readiness, mobility, throughput, stealth, accessibility, manageability, which is a consequence of the convergence of information transmission and processing technologies, is noted. A new integrative property of ITCS has become the presence and characteristics of distributed system memory, which allows storing transmitted messages for a certain time. An important feature of modern TNPT is the presence of artificial intelligence, which is formed on the basis of information and algorithmic support of modern TNPT, providing flexibility of the system behavior. These trends indicate the transformation of TNPT into a supersystem, the management tasks of which are insufficiently investigated at present. The purpose of this work is to study new approaches to ensuring the safety management of modern TNPT critical infrastructure, which includes modern systems of sea and river transport, taking into account their features. The object of the study is the information security control system of modern TNPT. The subject of the study is the scientific and methodological support of the TNPT critical infrastructure control. The research objectives are to analyze existing and develop new conceptual frameworks, as well as approaches to improving the TNPT information security control system based on intellectualization methods. The analysis of the existing methodology for managing complex organizational and technical systems and information security control technologies is carried out. The concept of TNPT information security control is formalized schematically. The analysis of the existing approach to the organization of the TNPT information security control process is carried out. The tasks of control intellectualization are defined. The problem of ensuring the efficiency and reliability of the TNPT control is formulated. The main scientific tasks of the development of the TNPT information security control methodology are defined.

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