
The article discusses the possible causes of the formation of suicidal manifestations in persons in conditions of social isolation. The statistical data of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are presented, indicating the importance and timeliness of solving penitentiary tasks related to the identification of suicidal intentions in convicts, as well as actual factors of suicidal risk. It is proposed to discuss the problem of the influence of the emotional sphere of the individual on the commission of suicidal acts, taking into account the specific circumstances of serving a criminal sentence. The results of an empirical study of the emotional sphere of convicts with autoaggressive behavior using valid psychodiagnostic tools are presented. The conclusion is formulated that the instability of the emotional properties of the individual affects the increase in the level of suicidal risk. The importance of conducting comprehensive psychological work with suicidal convicts in institutions executing criminal penalties is emphasized. The question is raised about the need to improve the professional competencies of the staff of the penitentiary system to reduce the risk of suicide and improve the mental state of convicts

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