
The paper substantiates the urgency of the problem of humanization of relations between people, within the framework of which the problem of formation of the value attitude of cadets studying at a law school of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person is highlighted. The pedagogical understanding of the concepts value, attitude, person is carried out, which are meaning-forming for the value attitude of cadets studying at a law institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person. The specificity of value is revealed as a conscious meaning that determines the attitude of a person to the world, to people and to himself. The paper substantiates the proposition that formation of the value attitude of cadets studying at a law school of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to another person presupposes the relationship between value and emotional factors. It is proved that the cadets awareness of the value of another person as a value, which turns into a personal meaning, will contribute to his/her formation as a person and a professional, for whom the other person will always be a goal, not a means. The paper reveals the essence of the value attitude of cadets studying at a law school of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person, which consists in the cadets awareness of the value of another person as a value and endowing this value with a personal meaning experienced at the emotional level. Scientific ideas about the value attitude as an integrative psychological structure, as a stable personality-semantic formation, as a three-dimensional structure are concretized and the possibility of considering the concept of value attitude of cadets studying at a law institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person as a personal formation with a structure is affirmed. The structure of the concept value attitude of cadets studying at a law school of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person is determined through the allocation of cognitive, axiological, emotional and activity components.


  • В современной социокультурной ситуации развития общества присутствует угроза дегуманизации человека, которая проявляется как в его отчуждении от культуры, труда, общения, так и в утрате человечности как собственно человеческой сущности

  • The paper reveals the essence of the value attitude of cadets studying at a law school of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person, which consists in the cadet’s awareness of the value of another person as a value and endowing this value with a personal meaning experienced at the emotional level

  • Что названные выше ученые ведут речь о ценностном отношении к человеку в контексте школьного образования (подростки, учителя), мы считаем возможным экстраполировать их идеи относительно понимания ценностного отношения к человеку как личностного образования, обладающего структурой, в рамках проблемы формирования ценностного отношения к человеку курсантов юридического вуза ФСИН России

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В современной социокультурной ситуации развития общества присутствует угроза дегуманизации человека, которая проявляется как в его отчуждении от культуры, труда, общения, так и в утрате человечности как собственно человеческой сущности. The paper reveals the essence of the value attitude of cadets studying at a law school of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to a person, which consists in the cadet’s awareness of the value of another person as a value and endowing this value with a personal meaning experienced at the emotional level. Что возвращение преступившего закон человека к гуманности, к человечности возможно в процессе реализации сотрудником УИС в своей профессиональной деятельности ценностного отношения к другим людям.

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