
The purpose of the article is to assess the state of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the period of dangerous challenges and further prospects of implementation for the effective functioning of the microsystem. The goal presented in the article was achieved using the following research methods: general: empirical (observation and comparison), direct (empirical) analysis and synthesis, induction and special: grouping method and graphic method. Such methods as: observation, comparison, grouping and graphic were used in the analysis of the foreign trade balance of Ukraine from 2010 to 2022, in the analysis of the types, amount and from which country aid (financial, humanitarian, military) was received to Ukraine in the period from January 24, 2022 to On May 31, 2023, when analyzing the revenues of the state budget of Ukraine according to statistical revenues in 2018–2022 and during the comparative analysis of the general state budget of Ukraine and the state budget of Ukraine according to statistical revenues regarding foreign economic activity for the years 2018–2022. The method of direct (empirical) analysis and synthesis is used in the analysis of initial export and import data, it makes it possible to characterize the general limitation of extra-economic activity, but it is insufficient for the analysis of a specific unit of the microsystem. The induction method is used for a general conclusion (assumption) about the reasons for changes in the analysis of objects or factors. The results. When assessing the foreign economic situation (export-import operations), it will be easier for enterprises to orient themselves to the foreign market, to study their requirements, standards and traditions and mentality, as well as to implement promising measures for effective exit, consolidation in foreign markets and cooperation with international enterprises of long-term development. The conducted analysis of foreign economic activity allows enterprises to choose an optimization concept or strategy for entering international markets and ensure financial results in dangerous operating conditions for the long term.

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