
The article is devoted to the study of the prerequisites for the introduction of innovative management approaches for the foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises, taking into account the aggravation of the situation in the foreign economic processes of Ukraine due to military aggression, which fundamentally changed the economic space of the functioning of domestic enterprises. The authors stated that under the conditions of martial law, the management of foreign economic activities of enterprises requires special attention in the context of ensuring competitive exports and realization of opportunities for stable cooperation with international partners. The article defines the prerequisites that will form the foundation for the effective restoration of foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises using innovative approaches. The authors include the following as key prerequisites for innovative management of the foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises: a deep understanding of the current state of the world economy and trade trends, the ability of the enterprise to adapt to changes in foreign markets, the development of its own innovative capacities, the establishment of an effective system of communication and cooperation with all interested parties, including state bodies, business partners, customers and other structures. Particular attention in the article is devoted to highlighting the prerequisites for the implementation of innovative management of foreign economic activities of industrial enterprises, which include the development of innovative culture in the organization, analysis and forecasting of foreign markets, innovative technologies and processes, knowledge management and training, partnership and cooperation networks. The systematization of the prerequisites for the implementation of innovative management of foreign economic activity enabled the authors of the article to form a number of promising directions for updating the management systems of foreign economic activity of enterprises of the Ukrainian machine-building industry during the war and post-war period. Considered in the article, the prerequisites of innovative management of foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises provide an opportunity to determine further directions of transformation of foreign economic activity management systems with the necessary further detailing of innovative management methods.

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