
China's profound transformation into a global economic power has changed the world order, challenging the traditional dominance of Western economies. This article examines the multifaceted dimensions of China's rise and its impact on the international economic system. Over the past three decades, China's economic growth has been impressive, making it the world's second-largest economy by nominal GDP in 2022, behind only the United States. This remarkable journey has seen China's GDP grow more than tenfold since 1978. However, the benefits of this growth have not been shared evenly, with differences in living standards between rural and urban populations and marked social inequality in cities persisting. China's industrial power is second to none, accounting for roughly half of the world's steel, aluminum and cement production. It is a leading producer of major commodities such as coal, manganese, lead-zinc, antimony and tungsten. The country's influence extends to the energy sector with significant oil and gas production. In addition, China's dominance of rare earth metals, critical to modern technology, is almost complete thanks to significant investment since the 1980s. The article highlights China's ambitious ten-year plan, launched in 2015, to modernize its manufacturing capabilities to compete with German rivals and global companies. China's influence extends beyond the economy, with its global presence growing as the largest trading partner of many countries and the leader of the world's largest free trade bloc through RCEP. In addition, the Belt and Road initiative strengthens China's position in Central Asia and Europe. It highlights China's strategic control over the production of green technologies such as solar cells, wind turbines and rare earth elements, underscoring the West's growing dependence on China to meet its environmental goals.

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