
It is proposed to understand the economic security management of the enterprise as a set of measures aimed at planning, organizing, implementing and controlling the measures of identification, assessment, prevention and countermeasures against challenges, threats and risks that affect the efficiency of the use of corporate resources of the enterprise and the effectiveness of the course of its business processes. The hypothesis that the developed and effective systems and mechanisms for ensuring economic security in the past should be calibrated to the strategic orientations of enterprises, taking into account the threats of wartime, is substantiated. The content of the concept of economic security management is systematized. Strategic and tactical orientations, accents in the management of the economic security of the enterprise during the war period are proposed. It is claimed that the vast majority of wartime threats are not subject to managerial influence, however, awareness of their presence, their identification and specification, as well as the development of actions to respond to their manifestations and possible consequences through economic security management mechanisms can significantly reduce the probability of destabilization of the state of the economic structure and ensure survival of the business after relocation, destruction, bankruptcy, etc., in a different format or after taking restorative measures, which were included in the strategy of security-oriented management of the enterprise. It is assumed that in wartime, the most effective way to manage economic security is a functional approach, as it allows you to focus on threats that specifically affect one or another subsystem of the economic security system; allows you to redistribute costs for security-oriented measures depending on the needs arising in one or another part of the system and, as a result, provide comprehensive protection for all types of corporate resources of the enterprise and its business processes. It is proposed to shift the emphasis in the management of economic security during the war from the financial plane to personnel and the maintenance of highly qualified specialists; strengthen the protection of the company's information resources and transfer all business processes to a digital environment as much as possible, ensuring a high level of cyber security. This approach will make it possible to continue the economic activity of the enterprise even in case of its relocation or partial, and for some businesses, complete destruction of the material base.

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