
The article deals with the management of social communications. Exploring the issues of organizing cooperation and interaction between journalists from a regional television company and the local community, the authors focus on understanding new approaches to managing social communications that are in demand in the difficult conditions of today. The article focuses on the need to consolidate modern Russian society, which today is becoming extremely relevant in the course of our country's entry into new socio-economic conditions and in the context of a special military operation. The article attempts to analyze the capabilities of a regional television company in uniting the civilian population of a municipality, when federal television channels cannot cover the entire volume of topics of interest to the regional audience, do not provide the proper opportunity to be involved in the process of discussing and solving problems, in contrast to regional channels representing local color and features. The authors identify the means (TV projects “Honorary Citizens of Troitsk” and “Stories about Troitsk”) that allow you to feel your involvement in the history of the country and form pride in its heroes, both of past years and those who “write” its history today. Analyzing the editorial policy of the TV channel, based on coverage of various aspects of the life of Troitsk and its residents, the authors note that the TV channel's programs cover a wide range of issues relevant to the townspeople: in addition to daily news, the TV channel broadcasts meetings with government officials, heads of enterprises and organizations; indicate that with a certain frequency, activists of local public organizations appear in the programs. The authors substantiate the expediency of wide use of the possibilities of regional television as an affordable and effective tool for consolidating the local community.

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