
Reindeer husbandry is one of the leading branches of animal husbandry in the Far North of the Russian Federation and serves as the main source of life and employment for the local population. Anti-anthrax vaccinations of almost all deer are carried out annually, since immunity persists in the body for 12 months, and the spores of the pathogen of anthrax can persist in the external environment for many decades, especially in the “permafrost " zone. Therefore, vaccination of deer should continue as long as reindeer husbandry exists. Vaccination is carried out in early summer or autumn. At the same time, the pc vaccine has been successfully used recently.55 VNIIVViM. The purpose of the work is to conduct research to develop a method for creating a composition of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs against edemagenosis and anthrax of reindeer on the basis of new iver -, avermectins and anti-ulcer vaccine pcs. 55 VNIIVViM. Data on the results of screening of means and methods of combating the dominant diseases of reindeer are obtained from archival materials, publications of relevant scientific developments and research in recent years. The research is carried out in close creative cooperation and with the direct participation of employees of the VNIIVViM anthrax laboratory (Selyaninov Yu. O., Grekhova N. V.). Experiments on deer are carried out in reindeer breeding farms of the Komi Republic and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The results of all conducted tests of the association of drugs are issued by the relevant acts. Mass one-time antiepizootic treatment of deer provides 100% protection of livestock from an outbreak of anthrax. In addition, due to the destruction of parasitic larvae of the subcutaneous gadfly, the income of reindeer farms increases by 27-30% (up to about 3 thousand rubles per deer from the slaughter contingent). In the Komi Republic, this is determined by the amount of 6-8 million rubles annually.

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