
Typological analysis of watershed forests of the Seversky Donets River was carried out on the basis of forest management data with electronic databases of "Ukrderzhlisproekt" Production Association. More than 27 types of forest were analyzed with total size of 228.2 thousand hectares. The classification of forest growth conditions, forest types and tree species on the left and right banks of the Seversky Donets River was done for the Luhansk region. We determined that the forest fund of the Luhansk region consists from the oak forests – 46.4 %, sudubrava – 21.1 %, conifer forest – 17.5 %. The proportion of coniferous forests makes up to 15.0 % of total forest area. We calculated that the area of common oak and common pine is 86.9 and 70.9·103 ha respectively. The following types of forests are prevailing: dry birchbark-marple sudubrava (30.8 %), fresh oak-pine sudubrava (13.1%), dry Tatarian maple sudubrava (12.9%), and fresh pine forest (10.6%). In the forest area of the Luhansk region we registered 70 tree species, of which 19 species – in oak-pine forest; 37 – in conifer forest; 55 – in sudubrava; 59 – in oak forest. By categories of protection the recreation forests (51.7 %) and protective forests (42.0 %) are the dominant. The forests of nature protection, forests of scientific, historical and cultural significance have only 6.4 % from the total forest area. The structure of forests by age groups was: middle-aged forests – 41.3 %, young growths – 17.8 %, ripening forests – 15.5 %, mature forests – 16.7 %, and old growth forests – 13.3 % from total forest area of Luhansk region.

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