
The study aims to identify the linguodidactic capabilities of graphic means of Internet communication (stickers) as educational material used in Russian as a foreign language classes for the semantization of new vocabulary and the development of students’ communicative and speech competence. The paper describes in detail the authors’ communicative Internet dictionary of stickers and provides a number of dictionary entries as an example in which lexemes are interpreted as a part of existing stickers created by Russian artists. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it presents a project of a special linguodidactic tool, i.e. the communicative Internet dictionary of stickers, which explains the meanings of various lexical units (etiquette formulas, onomatopoeiae, elements of online jargon, etc.) and describes the situations of their use in virtual communication. As a result of the study, it was found that stickers as special graphic means of Internet communication in combination with linguistic commentary and voiceover can serve as auxiliary material for the mastery of Russian-language vocabulary by foreign students and the development of their skills for its competent use in various communicative situations.

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