
The possibility of minimizing the main tillage in crop rotation, the use of a fertilizer system in order to develop methods for increasing productivity and improving agrophysical characteristics on leached chernozem of the Republic of Tatarstan is investigated. The stationary field experience in crop rotation was laid in 2016 on a busy pair (vetch-oat mix), where various systems of primary tillage were studied: annual dump plowing - control option; dump plowing, planar loosening, longline plowing, chisel loosening - in subsequent years by surface peeling. The data obtained in field experiments indicate that, using various primary tillage and fertilizer systems, agrophysical properties can be regulated, and conditions can be created for the conservation and reproduction of soil fertility of leached chernozem. The organic and mineral fertilizer system contributed to an increase in the moisture content in the meter soil layer by 2.1-16.1 mm compared to the mineral fertilizer system. Studies have shown that the introduction of manure at a rate of 60 tons per hectare before rotation of the crop rotation in 2016 contributed to a decrease in bulk density in the 0-40 cm layer compared to the LSG to 0.04 g/cm3. The water permeability of the soil depended on the depth and system of tillage, its moisture content and the crop grown. The use of a tiered soil cultivation system contributed to an increase in wheat yields for both fertilizer backgrounds by 0.8 tons per hectare (OMSU) and 0.7 tons per hectare (MSU), respectively, in comparison with the control variant. Calculations showed that the use of longline plowing in combination with small-scale processing using the organic-mineral fertilizer system ensured a reduction in the cost of main products compared to traditional waste processing to 12%, a net income growth from 1 ha to 15% and a profitability level to 22% .

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