
This article examines the role of craft products in the development of tourism and the hotel and restaurant business in the Carpathian region. It characterizes the main types of craft products, produced in the region, including cheeses, meat products, bakery and confectionery goods, as well as artisanal crafts and beverages. The impact of craft products on the attractiveness of the region for tourists, particularly in the context of gastronomic tourism, is analyzed. Food and drink crafts, such as local cheeses, wines, or traditional dishes, attract gastronomic tourists. These visitors are keen to explore and taste the unique flavors of a region, enhancing their overall travel experience. Craft markets, workshops and festivals can become tourist attractions in themselves. These events draw visitors, create vibrant local economies, and encourage longer stays and repeat visits. The features of the creation and promotion of craft products in the market and their influence on the development of local hotel and restaurant enterprises are highlighted. The advantages and challenges associated with the production and sale of craft products are considered, along with the prospects for the development of this sector in the Carpathian region. Recommendations are substantiated for enhancing the competitiveness of craft products and their impact on the sustainable development of tourism. The study underscores the significance of integrating local cultural and culinary traditions into tourism offerings to boost the regional economy and promote sustainable tourism practices. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and future potential of the craft product market in the Carpathians. The findings suggest that strategic support and promotion of craft products can lead to increased tourist inflows, enhanced visitor experiences, and a stronger local economy. The article concludes with suggestions for policy makers, businesses, and community leaders on how to leverage the unique attributes of the Carpathian craft industry to foster regional development and resilience.

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