
The article is devoted to the results of a study of industrial enterprises sustainable development discussed in scientific discourse and measures taken in practice to resolve the multifaceted issues behind these issues. Relying on the provisions and principles of the systemic paradigm in streamlining the issues of sustainable development of enterprises made it possible to identify sources of negative impact and classify them in the context of managers’ ability to control and influence various factors. On this basis and taking into account the specifics of industrial enterprises, in particular, the limitations of the applicability of the ESG concept to ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise are formulated, conditions for the progressive achievement of sustainable development are proposed. From the standpoint of management tasks, the actions of the manager and enterprise management mechanisms are proposed, which are essential for the development of intelligent management systems to ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise. The article also covers the issues of automation and intellectualization of enterprise management processes on strategic, tactical and operational circuits. To identify the factors of sustainable development and the mechanisms for achieving it, such general scientific research methods as systematization and classification (including scientific ideas), analogy and generalization, induction and deduction, decomposition and aggregation, and methods of system modeling were used.

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