
The Far-Eastern region occupies strategically important position in Russia, and special attention is paid to its development both at the federal and regional levels. Labor market is the most important element of the regional economic system, and the changes taking place on it are indicators of the state of the economy. General trends in the Russian labor market are weakly sensitive even to strong shocks, but the regional shifts may run counter to general trends and change its structure. The article analyzes the dynamics of a number of employed in the Russian Federation, the Far-Eastern federal district and the Khabarovsk territory for 2010-2019, identifies structural shifts in the sectoral labor markets, evaluates their competitiveness based on the method of shift components and localization coefficients. Application of the methodology makes it possible to identify the influence of factors of national, sectoral and regional nature on the state of sectoral labor markets in the regionCalculation of localization coefficients makes it possible to identify the branches of regional specialization that are most significant from the point of view of economic growth prospects, which is important for the development of a set of measures to strengthen their positions, substantiate the quality of decisions made in the field of personnel policy and training for the regional labor market. In the methodological aspect, in addition to the traditional methodology, the author carried out a dynamic analysis of the coefficients of industry localization, and also took into account the relative contribution of the region's industries to the creation of GRP, which made it possible to make the more objective assessment of competitiveness of industries in the Khabarovsk territory.

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