
The Committee for Assistance to the Peoples of the Northern Suburbs (the Committee of the North) under the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR was organized in 1924 and until 1935 provided assistance to the autochthonous population of the northern territories in the formation and development of the economy, political and administrative management, education, healthcare, etc. In the territories of compact residence of the indigenous small population of the North, branches were formed under the local executive committees. The article describes the fund of the Committee of the North under the East Siberian Regional Executive Committee of the first half of the 1930s; the fund is stored in the State Archives of the Irkutsk region. When studying the history of the healthcare system in Eastern Siberia in the 1930s, there is a problem of a shortage of information on the organization of medical care for the autochthonous population. The funds of the health departments under the regional executive committee reflect only part of the information fragmentally interspersed in the general document flow array. The materials of the Committee of the North allow us to fully investigate the state of medical work among the northern nationalities. Together, they represent a valuable source of information about all aspects of life in the North, including the health care system. The foundation’s materials cover the space of the northern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, the Republic of Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory.

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