
The article considers peculiarities of climate strike as a new instrument that might stop climate change as a biggest challenge of the present. The author outlines main reasons that prompted Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg to initiate school strikes for the climate. It is explained about environmental activism as a movement of representatives of various groups of individuals and organizations that work in collaboration in social, scientific, political and conservational fields with the main purpose of addressing environmental concerns. It has been analyzed an origin, goals, methods and tools of the climate strike activities of 350.org as an international environmental organization addressing the climate crisis. Special attention is paid to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking as a technique designed to recover gas and oil from shale rock. Based on US fundamental research, the author underlines dangers and risks of fracking due to earth tremor concerns as well as possibility of escaping of potentially carcinogenic chemicals during drilling and contaminating groundwater around the fracking site. Besides of FridaysforFuture and 350.org movements addressed climate crisis author describes the history, main goals, vision and strategy of the Extinction Rebellion movement. It is emphasized that Extinction Rebellion created with the aim of using nonviolent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse. It is underlined that activists often violate public order; most of them during protests accept arrest and imprisonment. It has been mentioned that 2019 was the year of climate change and because of coronavirus disease global climate strike nowadays moved online. The author draws conclusion, pointing that acknowledge the reality of climate change, cooperation of all stakeholders and far-sighted leadership are among the fundamentally important steps that must be taken to achieve the goals and consolidate countries around the global climate change problem.

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