
The article considers the level of physical development and functional state of cadets of the higher military educational institution, who are the team members of the National Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi (Lviv) in the section of military pentathlon. The conducting research is significant for many reasons, like predicting and assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system of servicemen, selecting to the sports section of military pentathlon, as well as rationally building routines of training, competitions and monitoring their functional status. Research aim is to study and determine the functional and morphological indicators that characterize the functional state and help to analyze the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Research methods: theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; medical and biological methods (anthropometry, physiometry); methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted on the basis of the National Army Academy named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi in Lviv. The research was attended by cadets-athletes in military pentathlon – 18 members of the National Army Academy's team of different sports qualifications (5 Candidates Master of Sports, 8 First-Class Sportsmen and 5 Second-Class Sportsmen). Results. Servicemen-pentathletes have a high level of physical development and excellent performance. In the future, we plan to take a more comprehensive approach to determine the functional state of athletes in military pentathlon, as well as to study the changes in the body caused by various physical activities and the relationship of research indicators with exercise and competition efficiency. Conclusions. The analysis of specialized scientific and methodological literature has asserted that in the practice of military all-around sports to achieve a high result it is necessary an optimal condition of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, a high development level of speed, strength, endurance, aerobic and anaerobic capacity of athletes. At the same time, the issue of assessing the level of functional training of servicemen in this sport has not been studied enough. Military pentathletes have a high level of physical development, excellent heart function, the normotonic type, as well as above-average values of total physical performance (PWC170) and aerobic capacity, namely maximum oxygen consumption


  • more comprehensive approach to determine the functional state of athletes in military pentathlon

  • study the changes in the body caused by various physical activities

  • Military pentathletes have a high level of physical development

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Проаналізувавши спеціалізовану науково-методичну літературу виявилось, що у практиці військово-спортивних багатоборств для досягнення високого результату необхідною умовою є оптимальний стан серцево-судинної та нервової систем, високий рівень розвитку швидкісно-силових якостей, швидкісної витривалості, аеробних та анаеробних можливостей спортсменів. Спортсмени з військового п’ятиборства мають високий рівень фізичного розвитку, відмінну працездатність серця, належать до нормотонічного типу та мають значення загальної фізичної працездатності (PWC170) і аеробних можливостей вище середніх, а саме максимального споживання кисню. У спортивній практиці для досягнення високого результату необхідною умовою є оптимальний стан нервової та серцево-судинної систем, високий рівень розвитку швидкісно-силових якостей, швидкісної витривалості, аеробних та анаеробних можливостей військових п’ятиборців [1,2,3,4,5].

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