
The article examines the formation of a neo-Mauritanian landscape and architectural style of Morocco, new for North Africa, during the reign of the French protectorate in the first half of the 20th century. A historical retrospective of the works of French architects, descriptions of the gardens and parks of the city of Rabat, built and reconstructed during the rule of the French protectorate, are given. Brief information is given about the redevelopment of the city, according to the ideas of the modern structure of colonial cities that existed at that time, described in the works of French architects. The process of landscape-architectural organization of the garden space is analyzed. The main planning and design features of the Moroccan gardens of the first half of the twentieth century, as well as the significance of the main elements that embody symbolic, religious and practical ideas, are revealed. It has been established that when designing the gardens, French architects tried to combine several styles, including landscape and architectural techniques traditional for Islamic gardens, inscribing them into the classical French regular layout characteristic of the European Art Nouveau period.

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