
Around 20SUPth/SUP century whose urgent task was to establish modern nation-state, Chinese intellectuals and political leaders started intellectual quest and practices. To most Chinese at that time, options between civic nationalism and static nationalism was rather secondary, because they thought that the mission of establishing modern nation-state was desperate. Two directions of emphasis on individual freedom and rights and emphasis on discipline and regulation have been mixed, coexisted and sometimes confused.BR After quite long time of discursive groping, Jiang Jieshi and KMT finally converted discursive stage of the mission of creation of nation into practical stage by developing nationwide New Life Movement. But Due to various historical and realistic constraints(insufficiency of administrative abilities, scarce placement of police force, Sino-Japanese War, etc), building of strong nation-state through creation of disciplinary and hygienic Chinese people has failed. Republican China lacked institutional devices and social mediating organizations which was indispensible to proliferation of discipline and public order.BR Ironically, Jiang Jieshi and KMT encountered quite perfect conditions for creation of nation in Taiwan since 1949, when they lost civil war against CCP and retreated to the island, which was well prepared in terms of discipline and public order. In China proper, Chinese government is still struggling to establish awareness of discipline and public order, probably because of absence of rule by law. But experience of New Life Movement tells us that discipline and public order can not be achieved by anxiousness or impatience.

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