
The research is devoted to the study of functions performed by metacognitive domains of integral competence of future specialists of music and choreographic education in the process of artistic cognition. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific sources from the fields of cognitive science, the essence and features of the phenomenon of metacognitive knowledge were considered. In particular, it was determined that such knowledge, providing awareness of the relationship between knowledge, goals and experience, affects the ability to transmit information, learn and exercise self-control and self-development (Flavell, 1979; Simon, 1996). The analysis of works in the field of pedagogy allowed to clarify the functions of metacognitive domains in the content of the competence sphere of specialists, in particular in the field of art education. The study of the views of art critics and pedagogical scientists contributed to highlighting some features of the process of artistic cognition, in particular its focus on the formation of professional erudition of specialists in the field of art education, their ability to cognize and interpret artistic phenomena. The study was carried out using the following methods: pedagogy of art (to study the peculiarities of the process of artistic cognition); theoretical modeling (to study the functionality of metacognitive knowledge in the content of the competence sphere of art education specialists in the context of ensuring the processes of artistic cognition); a number of empirical methods (to experimentally test the hypotheses of the theoretical study). In particular, by the method of theoretical modeling, it was determined that the regulatory functions of metacognitive knowledge allow to activate the effectiveness of competencies in order to ensure the processes of formation of artistic thesaurus during artistic cognition, as well as the identification and combination of discrete artistic phenomena into a single interpretive concept that reflects a certain cultural picture of the world. The experimental work within the framework of the study was aimed at identifying the functional significance of the metacognitive domain «strategic knowledge» in the process of artistic cognition by comparing the results of assessing the level of formation of the ability to determine the goals of the artistic and educational process and the meta-skills of future specialists in music and choreographic education to integrate artistic and artistic information to solve artisticinterpretive and creative-developmental tasks of the artistic and educational process.

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