
In intensive cultivation technology of spring barley inhibition by 2-chloroethylphosphonic growth last internode main stem after flowering can generate an increase in the tillers by increasing increase of productive tillering decreasing by 2-4 tilt stems at an average yield of 4.5 t / ha of spring barley. In this case, there is no need to apply the agro-technical measures to reduce the probability of crop lodging - reducing seeding rates and sparse seeding, all elements of the maximum level of productivity combined with the effect of the inhibitor on the vertical stability of the crop and the influence on the increase in yields. Biologically active growth regulators require accurate diagnosis and effective application of a short period in each year by a combination of weather conditions, agronomic crop conditions and phase of development of barley. In stressful wet weather conditions on precipitation, maximum yield and density of the crop, the probability of lodging in phase 49 in the EU is just the most probable maximum yield increase, while maintaining the stability of the vertical planting. Intensive cultivation and high yields combined with the processing of biologically active substances and the expansion of the adaptive capacity of the vertical stability of crop varieties and yield potential.

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