
Purpose. The article analyzes EMERCOM of Russia investigators’duties performance as well as issues related to investigation unit structure. The problem of determining the optimal level of unit staff, who are in charge of investigating fires, is touched upon. Enlarging service area due to forming interdistrict units does not allow ensuring timely arrival at a fire scene. This directly affects fire investigation quality and timing. Methods. On the basis of statistical and general scientific methods, a comparative study of structures of other agencies also responsible for investigating fires, is carried out. Findings. The author proposes the concept of a new structure of EMERCOM of Russia investigation unit, namely taking it out of control of State Fire Supervision. If an investigation unit is located at a considerable distance from a regional directorate of EMERCOM of Russia, it is proposed to form interdistrict investigation units in large settlements. The staff size and authority of such units should allow the person in charge to perform the functions of investigation unit head and provide assistance in investigating complicated fires in neighboring regional (interdistrict) investigation units. Research application field. The results of the study will make it possible to form the optimal structure and staff size of EMERCOM of Russia regional investigation unit. Conclusions. The article proposes a typical managerial structure of EMERCOM of Russia regional investigation unit. Changes in investigation unit structure will allow solving current problems, improving the overall level of the organization and fire investigation quality. The analysis of EMERCOM of Russia investigators’ duties performance and investigation unit structure makes it possible to conclude that there is a necessity to form an independent structure out of control of State Fire Supervision, with direct subordination to regional directorate head and being an independent structure of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia.

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