
In the current conditions of development of higher education, one of the priority tasks is to further improve the quality of training of bachelors studying under general education programmes.
 The analysis of the experience of pedagogical achievements of theorists and practitioners in the field of higher education management and organisation of the educational process substantiates the importance of the process of teaching bachelor's students. It is established that researchers, when defining the meaning of the concept of "educational process", have in common that they characterise it as specially organised and appropriately managed training in a particular higher education institution with a clearly defined scope of educational content, coordinated activities of participants in the educational process, which is carried out in the established order and mode in various forms of conduct. An important component of the educational process is the content of education, which embodies social goals. It is proved that the educational and professional programme defines the normative part of the content of education, establishes requirements for the content, scope, level of education and professional training of students of the relevant educational qualification level of a particular specialty.
 The article identifies four levels of organisation of the educational process: Level I – theoretical – representation of the educational process as a system in all interrelationships of its structural components; Level II – formation of the concept of an educational institution; Level III – creation of a project of the educational process itself in the form of annual plans (planning of the content of education for the year through structuring of educational material); Level IV – implementation of the first three levels through the educational process.
 The system of training bachelor's students at the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics is described. It is proved that within the framework of the traditional model of the educational process in the training of bachelors, training is reproductive in nature, since its content is transmitted in a ready-made form and is subject to reproductive assimilation. Therefore, the university uses a modern approach to creating conditions for innovative activity of the teachers of the departments, where the leading role of forming cognitive activity in bachelor students, mastering new technologies for assimilating modern educational information and professional skills is determined.

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