
A method of comparative assessment of the influence of the features of dynamic interaction in the «block wheel-set - rail track» system on the wear rate of the rolling surfaces of wheels, axle bearings, and the support of the freight car bogie due to new design solutions implemented in the block wheelset is presented. A block wheelset differs from a typical pair in that it has separated the functions of holding and directing movement (ridge) and ensuring the movement of the wheelset in a straight section of the track (straight and winding). In the process of simulation modeling of interaction of block and standard wheel pairs with the rail track, the parameters of this interaction (motion trajectories, wave-lengths and their amplitudes) are established. As an external disturbance in the mathematical model of the dynamic system «wheelset - track», geometric deviations of the rail track obtained under real operating conditions of main lines were used. The comparative calculated assessment of the levels of wear intensity of the rolling surfaces of the support wheel of the block and standard wheel pairs was carried out according to the developed methodology of a specific comparative indicator - the coefficient of the energy factor of wear. The resource of the bogie pivot bearing with block wheel pairs increases due to the growth in the wagging wavelength by six times compared to the typical wheel pairs, that is, the friction path in the «pivot bearing-axle bearing» component from a typical wheel pair increased proportionally.

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