
The development of physical culture and sports is of great social importance. The development of the state and society today cannot be imagined without sports. The article determined that it is expedient to consider the development of professional sports, which is the basis for the formation of patriotic education and the country's image on the world stage, as well as physical culture and sports at the amateur level, which creates conditions for public health. Given the important social role that sport plays in the development of the state, it is advisable to prioritize the development of physical culture and sports in the formation of public policy in the strategic perspective. The article analyzes the experience of developed countries in implementing mechanisms for public management of physical culture and sports. The specifics of the formation of state policy for the development of physical culture and sports in different countries are determined. On the basis of the analysis the results of introduction of separate mechanisms of public management of physical culture and sports are defined, on the basis of the analysis of their efficiency offers concerning possibility of introduction of the best world practices of development of sports in national system of preparation of sportsmen management at the national level. As a result of the analysis, the prospects for the development of physical culture and sports, their priorities in terms of external transformations and global challenges, which allowed to project possible ways to develop physical culture and sports as a subject of public administration, which is important for social development.

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