
The article analyzes the generally accepted periodizations of the development of the historical-pedagogical process of training pedagogical personnel in the period from the middle of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century in the researches of domestic scientists. The dynamics of the development of the theory and practice of education can be traced with the help of a number of periods presented in the history of pedagogy in a large number of variants. As evidenced by the study of scientific sources, in modern historical-pedagogical studies devoted to the development of various pedagogical phenomena, as a rule, certain stages are noted, mostly associated with political and socio-economic reforms in society. The leading criterion for the creation of the first of the generally accepted periodizations of the development of the historical- pedagogical process was the assessment of the development of pedagogy in the USSR through the prism of the peculiarities of the socio- political life of the Ukrainian people and the country. The beginning and end of one or another period in the traditional periodization coincide with the historical dates of turning points for the Ukrainian state. The main drawback of such periodization is the consideration of the historical-pedagogical process not as a specific phenomenon with purely psychological-pedagogical regularities, but as a process directly related to five-year plans, decisions of party congresses and resolutions. Because of that, the periodization of the development of the history of pedagogy as a science built on such foundations cannot be a far-reaching basis for the deployment of this kind of scientific research. In the last twenty years, the interpretation of the process of development of native pedagogy of the 20th century has been significantly revised, clarified and supplemented.Such a result became possible thanks to the serious and productive research work carried out by domestic scientists over the past decades. When substantiating the periodization, they took into account a number of criteria, namely: the dynamics of the development of pedagogical thought; nature of educational reforms; the role and place of teachers in society; the range of activities of the components of education, in particular the study and popularization of promising pedagogical experience, the preparation of teachers for innovations, their implementation in the conditions of educational reforms; use of innovations in education and training. In the process of scientific research, it was established that a number of factors had a decisive influence on the development of the professional status of a teacher in the history of domestic secondary educational institutions: socio-political conditions of life in the country; government policy in the field of secondary school and higher teacher education; measures to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and the teacher's authority in society; peculiarities of scientific and methodical work with teachers in educational institutions; the effectiveness of the teacher's professional training system and the improvement of his qualifications.

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