
The article considers the existing mechanisms and problems of interaction between uni-versities, industry and the state for the purpose of effective technology transfer and intensive innovative development. An analysis of existing domestic and foreign studies on the functioning of technology transfer centers (TTCs) is carried out. The key functions inherent in all centers, regardless of their coun-try of origin, and the unique and specific functions of transfer centers are identified. As part of the study, the mechanism for implementing the function of identifying market needs in innovative developments is analyzed in detail using the example of the industry of the Chelyabinsk region: a needs analysis for im-port-substituting products of industrial enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region is carried out; the lists of such products are systematized with the identification of consumers and potential suppliers; the types of products that require technological refinement and the types of equipment, raw materials and compo-nents, in which the domestic industry is experiencing the most acute shortage, are identified. The key re-sult of the study is the development of an architecture for an information and analytical base for as-sessing and analyzing the industry needs for certain types of equipment, raw materials and components, with the possibility of its further automation. The practical significance of the study: the need for digitalization of the functions of technology transfer centers and the creation of a unified information system has been identified. The results obtained are proposed to be used in the development of guidelines for the creation of technology transfer centers in various regions of Russia. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its re-sults at the level of universities, industrial enterprises and the state when implementing import substitu-tion programs and ensuring the technological sovereignty of the domestic economy. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its results at the level of uni-versities, industrial enterprises and the state when implementing import substitution programs and ensur-ing the technological sovereignty of the domestic economy.

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