
Vladimir A. Devyatkin, Evgeniya N. Kolodina, All-Russia Research Institute of animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L. K. Ernst, Dubrovitsy, Russia Abstract The article discusses the possibility and effectiveness of using liquid energy feed based on propylene glycol and glycerin (LEF) in combination with dihydroquercetin and Spirulina Platensis microalgae as an additive to the diet of sheep to optimize inter-daily processes in the pre-pancreas, increase natural resistance, improve intestinal and scar microbiocenosis. It was found that the studied additive contributed to a more intensive hydrolysis of carbohydrates in the rumen of animals due to an increase in the concentration of VFA by 45,2% versus 30,9% in the control, an increase in the content of lysozyme in the blood serum of sheep of the experimental group by 35,4%, (p≥0,1), an increase in phagocytic activity, its index and number by 4,5; 3,9 and 15,8%, respectively, which indicates a more stable cellular immunity, increased resistance of the body to infectious and inflammatory processes, and an increase in natural resistance. The level of lacto- and bifidobacteria was 15,4–17,0% higher (p≥0.001), and yeast-like microorganisms and molds, respectively, were 7,6% and 17,3% lower, which positively affected the microbiocenosis of the intestines of animals.

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