
Analyzes the position of the Volgograd region among the agrarian regions of the Russian Federation on the study of acreage. In the Volgograd region, the largest share is occupied by the production of high-quality winter wheat. The different categories of the agro-industrial complex of the Volgograd region that ensure sustainable grain production are analyzed. The technological scheme of winter wheat cultivation with the allocation of boundary deadlines for operations and the determination of the volume of transport work is investigated. It is established that the greatest costs in the cultivation of winter wheat fall on the period of harvesting and transportation of the crop. It is proposed to plan the operation of motor transport and combine harvesters in the cultivation of winter wheat using graph theory. The authors for the first time introduce the concept of «transport capacity of the graph of sowing fields». The question of constructing the structure and the influence of various factors on the formation of the vertices of the graph of winter wheat sowing fields is investigated. The basic requirements for the fields of cultivated crops included in the top have been developed. It is established that the modification of the graph by years is associated with changes in crop rotation and demand for export grain.

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