
The purpose of this article is to describe the results of studying the processes of borrowing words from the native speech of Moldovans, Romanians and Italians who settled in Odessa in the 1st half of the 19th century to the Russian urban speech of Odessa. The object of study is East Romance and Italian lexical borrowings-regionalisms in the Russian urban speech of Odessa in different periods of its functioning. The subject of the research is the reasons, conceptual features and the mastering process of such borrowings. The material of the study was the written and oral texts of the Odessa discourse. Research methods of sociolinguistic, descriptive, semantic and etymological analysis were applied. The analysis of odessisms of Moldavian and Italian origin, allowed us to draw a number of conclusions. These Romance languages have different lingvocultural areas of influence on the Odessa urban vernacular. Features of Moldavian influence are noticeable, mainly in the semantic classes of pragmatonyms and toponyms. The native speech of the Italians had an impact on the formation of Odessa shibboleths mainly in the conceptual spheres of maritime affairs, theatrical art, economics, finance, construction, cooking.

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