
The article discusses some issues of ensuring operational regime measures to guarantee the personal safety of convicts held in corrective colonies at the present stage. The relevance of examining the stated issues is determined by the objective need to improve Russian legislation and the practice of its application in this area, including based on the achievements of foreign countries in this area. Operational regime measures to ensure the personal safety of convicts held in corrective colonies have an overt and covert character. From a practical point of view, it is advisable to study these measures taking into account the convicts' confinement conditions. To overcome the problems existing in this area, it seems necessary to create scientifically based standards for convicts' supervision with due regard to the principle of one employee for one detachment of convicts. As part of the training of penitentiary officers in educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, more attention should be paid to the practical development of algorithms for ensuring the personal safety of convicts. There is a need to increase the number of safe places in the projects of correctional facilities of a united type planned within the framework of the Concept for the Development of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030. The relevance of the problems listed above necessitates their further theoretical understanding and resolution in the norms of legislation and in the practice of its application.

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