
It is stated that, despite the long history of establishing long-term agreements and building transport routes between Europe and Russia, their prospects will decrease in the current unprecedented sanctions conditions, including due to the reorientation of international cargo flows to Asian countries and the replacement of many imported components with those produced in Russia. The purpose of the work is to assess and justify the need to transform the priorities for the development of transport frameworks in Russian regions that border Europe in new geopolitical and geo-economic conditions. The results of the study on the territory of the North-Western Federal District, the share of exports in some regions of which reaches more than 40% of the gross regional product, led to the conclusion that the ongoing changes will affect the prospects for the development of transport frameworks in a number of regions of the district. To the greatest extent, the processes of redirecting the transportation of manufactured products from the European direction to the domestic or Asian direction will affect such border regions as the Murmansk, Leningrad, Pskov regions and the Republic of Karelia. An analysis of the current development strategies of the listed regions showed that their plans do not contain a sufficient amount of measures and decisions aimed at the necessary transformation of traffic flows in the current conditions. In the strategic documents of the Murmansk region, emphasis is placed on creating a service core of international maritime transport on the basis of the Murmansk transport hub, but clearly little attention is paid to the formation of transport and logistics routes connecting the region with other regions of Russia. An analysis of the strategy of the Republic of Karelia showed that the projects for the development of transport infrastructure within the framework of international transport corridors are more developed in comparison with the all-Russian directions. Significant attention in the strategy of the Leningrad Region is paid to the development of passenger traffic and participation in federal transport projects without regional initiatives, which, however, should not prevent the region from providing new interregional transport flows if it is necessary to reorient export deliveries. The development strategy of the Pskov region is mainly aimed at the development of a transport and logistics infrastructure that ensures the growth of foreign trade flows and passenger traffic, paying insufficient attention to the establishment of domestic transport corridors. Thus, the ongoing geopolitical and geo-economic changes will entail the transformation of the transport framework both throughout the country and regions, which will certainly affect the spatial development of territories, and should become an obligatory subject of consideration in new interdisciplinary studies.

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